Good News For Magic Beginners
In my last post I told you that when you start in magic you will suck. At the end of that post I promised that there is good news, and here it is.
I am sure after my last post you probably thought I was a bit mean, but I’m afraid I was just telling you what I wish someone had told me. When you begin you will suck. Not exactly ego boosting but it needs to be said.
Fortunately there is some good news.
You are not going to suck forever.
In fact, eventually you will get good, possibly very good. How good is up to you. If you take the time to practice you can become one of the top magicians in the world.
Unfortunately this will take some time.
A lot of time.
I mean years.
When I say years I mean years and years and years.
How many years? Well, some of the top magicians in the world believe that they may never perfect their craft. That it is a constant learning process that will only end when they die.
But for the sake of this post, let’s just leave it at “Years and years.” That’s daily practice.
But how will you know when you pass out of the part about sucking and become good?
Good question, and I cannot give you a decent answer. All I can say is, you’ll know.
You see, one day, after some years of practice and bad to sub-bad performances something will go “click” in your head and suddenly, almost like magic, you’ll be good.
Yes, just like that.
Here is a few quotes from Penn & Teller from Genii Magazine, Vol. 58, No. 7, May 1995.
“… What I believe strongly about show business is that talent and hard work don’t matter nearly as much as flight time. The amount of time that you’re in front of the audience doing some thing is really all that matters. By all reports, George Burns sucked for the first thirty years of his career. But he kept plugging at it, and all of a sudden he knows stuff. … And with Eddie Fechter, it was one of the clearest cases I’d ever seen. I didn’t think that he’d ever been inspired to do the brilliant art he was doing. All of a sudden, just around the time he turned fifty, he was just kind of doing it.”
So you see, the hard work will one day pay off. One day, and you may not notice this, you will get it right. It may not take thirty years, but it will take time, and practice and patience. You may want to take some short cuts, but please don’t. You will be doing yourself and this art we love so much a grave disservice.
Do it right, do it well and at the end you will be rewarded.
Here ends the lesson.
Next Post: When they put one of your men in the hospital, you put one of theirs in the morgue! NOW here ends the lesson.
I am sure after my last post you probably thought I was a bit mean, but I’m afraid I was just telling you what I wish someone had told me. When you begin you will suck. Not exactly ego boosting but it needs to be said.
Fortunately there is some good news.
You are not going to suck forever.
In fact, eventually you will get good, possibly very good. How good is up to you. If you take the time to practice you can become one of the top magicians in the world.
Unfortunately this will take some time.
A lot of time.
I mean years.
When I say years I mean years and years and years.
How many years? Well, some of the top magicians in the world believe that they may never perfect their craft. That it is a constant learning process that will only end when they die.
But for the sake of this post, let’s just leave it at “Years and years.” That’s daily practice.
But how will you know when you pass out of the part about sucking and become good?
Good question, and I cannot give you a decent answer. All I can say is, you’ll know.
You see, one day, after some years of practice and bad to sub-bad performances something will go “click” in your head and suddenly, almost like magic, you’ll be good.
Yes, just like that.
Here is a few quotes from Penn & Teller from Genii Magazine, Vol. 58, No. 7, May 1995.

“… What I believe strongly about show business is that talent and hard work don’t matter nearly as much as flight time. The amount of time that you’re in front of the audience doing some thing is really all that matters. By all reports, George Burns sucked for the first thirty years of his career. But he kept plugging at it, and all of a sudden he knows stuff. … And with Eddie Fechter, it was one of the clearest cases I’d ever seen. I didn’t think that he’d ever been inspired to do the brilliant art he was doing. All of a sudden, just around the time he turned fifty, he was just kind of doing it.”
So you see, the hard work will one day pay off. One day, and you may not notice this, you will get it right. It may not take thirty years, but it will take time, and practice and patience. You may want to take some short cuts, but please don’t. You will be doing yourself and this art we love so much a grave disservice.
Do it right, do it well and at the end you will be rewarded.
Here ends the lesson.
Next Post: When they put one of your men in the hospital, you put one of theirs in the morgue! NOW here ends the lesson.
Okay, I'll bite. Who's Eddie Fletcher?
When they put on one of your men... eeeew... that's gross.
Sorry guy's, some small mistakes were made in the writing of this blog.
First, it's "Eddie Fechter", not "Fletcher." Secondly, it's supposed to be "One" not "on."
I've corrected these unfortunate mistakes and am planning on a short Fechter profile in a later blog.
Careful how you type that. Entering "Feltcher" into Google can take you to all kinds of pages you don't want to see...
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